Sir Richard Heaton KCB
warden@robinson.cam.ac.ukThere are lots of different titles for the heads of Oxbridge Colleges (e.g. Master, President) but at Robinson, the Head of House is called the Warden. The Warden is in overall charge of the College and chairs the major committees. The post is currently held by Sir Richard Heaton KCB. You are most likely to meet them at one of the social events either in Freshers Week, at our termly dinner with the Fellows (MCR-SCR Hall) or at our Research Days.
Prof Rosalind Love
rcl10@cam.ac.uk -
Dr Scott Annett
sa410@cam.ac.ukThe Senior Tutor looks after the academic studies of the college along with the welfare of the Junior Members (i.e. undergraduates and graduates). His office can be found in Set 19 (Opposite the Red Brick café)
His assistant, Mrs Keisha Sharp (ks610@cam.ac.uk) is a fount of all knowledge and looks after the tutorial office. She should be your first point of contact if you need a new University card, need an official student verification letter and most other things. She will also know the right person to speak to if she cannot help you. She is also in charge of accommodation allocation.
Dr C Warner: cdw13@cam.ac.uk
Dr B McGabe: bjm1@cam.ac.ukTHE GRADUATE TUTORS
Graduate Tutors are assigned based on discipline. Here is a list of Fellows who are graduate tutors; please see the College Graduate Tutors Webpage to find more information on each Tutor.
Dr P Griffiths: ptg21@cam.ac.uk
Dr G A C Jones: gaj1@cam.ac.uk
Dr J T Tiffert: jtt1000@cam.ac.uk
Dr S Hogarth: sh339@cam.ac.uk
Dr B J McCabe: bjm1@cam.ac.uk
Dr BD Sloan:bds26@cam.ac.uk
Dr C Truscott:clt45@cam.ac.ukThe Graduate Tutors are available to provide confidential help and advice to all Graduate members. Every Graduate will be assigned one of the Graduate Tutors at the beginning of their studies to act as a point of contact. They can provide help with living out, disagreements with the College authorities, financial problems, managing your relationship with your supervisor, the Student Registry (formerly the Board of Graduate Studies), etc. The Graduate Tutors would like to get to know each student individually and would expect to see each of the Graduates assigned to them once a term. This is best done by emailing them directly to make a specific appointment. There will be a number of opportunities to meet the Graduate Tutors informally throughout the year at social events, dinners and the Research Days.
In addition to the Graduate Tutors, there are a couple of other tutors with specific responsibilities:
Dr E Rawlinson-Mills: emm48@cam.ac.uk
Wg Cdr P G D Milloy: mjr77@cam.ac.uk
Mr S Hudson: sph35@cam.ac.ukThe Financial Tutors provids advice to any Junior Member in financial difficulties and are the people to ask for advice and help if you are having troubles with your bills and fees. In the first instance, speak to your Graduate Tutor.
Rev'd Dr Simon Perry
01223 339140The College Chaplain is available for all members of the College, whatever their religion (all faiths or none), to talk and listen about any matter that concern them. His rooms are in Flat 1a at the end of Herschel Court (opposite B staircase).
Mr Neil Wilson
nw384@robinson.cam.ac.ukDEPUTY HEAD PORTER
Mr David Faircliff
df313@cam.ac.ukPORTER’S LODGE
01223 339100The Porters are responsible for the security of the College, and you should contact them (by phone or in person) if any security incident occurs (such as a personal attack or fire).
The Porters are also the face of the College and generally know just about everything and everyone. They sort the mail, call taxis, program blue University cards for the MCR and provide first aid support; they calm the sobbing and shush the drunk. More than one of us had ended up in the Porter's Lodge (known as the Plodge in Cambridge) in their pyjamas when they have locked themselves out of their room!
They have also heard and know more stories about the College and people inhabiting it than anyone else. Make sure to say hello to them and get to know them as they are an important and friendly asset to the college. There is always a Porter on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Mrs Fiona Brockbank
The Finance Bursar has overall responsibility for the budget and endowment of the College as well as being a Fellow. Her office can be found off Long Court opposite the Red Brick Cafe Bar.
Mrs Anne Considine
01223 339136The College Nurse is available for all College members to use. Surgery hours are from 5.00-6.00pm Monday-Friday in her room just at the top of the stairs on High Court.
Karen Tate, Head of Wellbeing
01223 330731She leads the College’s strategic approach to student wellbeing, and provides wellbeing or mental health advice or support for students. Wellbeing support might involve developing strategies or tools to help with functioning well or feeling good, helping with referrals or accessing NHS or specialist services, or being in touch to discuss any wellbeing, mental health or life challenges that may be impacting on your student experience.
Ms Helen Carder
hc442@robinson.cam.ac.ukLocated in Long Court opposite the Red Brick Cafe Bar, the College Office is the main administrative office for the College. Contact the office about college bill queries, paying your college bill and maintenance cheques from your funding body. The office staff can also help if you have difficulty opening a bank account. The head of the College Office is the Finance Manager.
Katharine Cantell
01223 339036The Development Office attracts funds to develop the College through fundraising initiatives. It also maintains a comprehensive database of old Robinsonians which can be useful when networking for jobs. A major part of the College's development programme recently was for the provision of additional graduate accommodation. The new accommodation on Sylvester Road was financed in large parts through such donations. Current projects involve raising money for a new Seminar Building on Adams Road as well as continuing to raise funds for graduate scholarships.
Mrs Julie Allen
01223 339128The College provides a housekeeping service to all rooms. Bedders will clean your room weekly, empty bins and clean the bathroom and kitchen (but they don't do the washing up). They will also change your sheets, duvet cover and pillowcases, but you have to strip your bed on the appropriate day. The bedders are looked after by the Head Housekeepers and you can find them in their office just off the Bin Brook Concourse (end of Long Court, through the two sets of double doors and straight on, first door on the left). You should contact the Housekeeping department if you experience any problems with the furnishings in your room, kitchen or bathroom; or if you experiencing problems with your bedder. They also have a feedback form that you can fill out on-line as well. Your bedder can supply additional blankets for the winter and may even be able to sort out some extra furniture (especially bookcases and comfy chairs).
Mr Chris Tyrrell
cdt31@robinson.cam.ac.ukThe Maintenance Department deals with all problems to do with the physical state of the college buildings, ranging from changing lightbulbs to tackling leaks. Obviously maintenance cannot sort problems out unless you tell them what's wrong, so fill in a maintenance slip at the Porters' Lodge or visit http://maintenance.robinson.cam.ac.uk/ and they will try to sort it out as soon as possible.
You can also pop in to see them - they are at the end of the corridor off Bin Brook concourse (past Housekeeping). here is always a member of maintenance team either on-site or on-call, so do not worry if there's a maintenance emergency in the middle of the night. In such cases, contact the Porters first who will make a preliminary assessment of the matter before talking to the on-call maintenance member of staff.
Mr Nick Lomax
nl304@robinson.cam.ac.ukDEPUTY CATERING MANAGER
Ms Chelsea Roberts
cgr27@robinson.cam.ac.ukRobinson prides itself in having some of the finest food in Cambridge. Obviously the most visible members of the catering team are those that serve you in the Garden Restaurant, in the Hall or in the Cafe Bar.
If you have a problem concerning a booking for formal hall (e.g. cancelling a ticket), you should contact the Deputy Catering Manager.
Mr Guy Fuller
01223 339167The gardens are on par with the food in making Robinson a special place among Cambridge Colleges. The offices of the gardeners are next to the glasshouses at Thorneycreek Cottage, which adjoins Thorneycreek House.
Mr Dave Johnstone
01223 339806The IT department is responsible for the IT infrastructure such as the electronic cashier systems in the Garden Restaurant, but also for the network connections in all of the college rooms and the wifi. If you have a problem with your computer you should contact helpdesk@robinson.cam.ac.uk in the first instance or drop into the office which can be found on Q staircase.
Judith A Brown (MA PGDip Lib)
01223 339124The Library is situated on Front Court and accessed via a door control system which is activated by your University card. Robinson College Library is open 24 hours throughout the year. The Library Office is open Monday to Friday 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00.