• The Games Room is a small, multi-purpose space accessible via the G staircase (Long Court) short-cut to the gardens.

    Any college member is free to use the Games Room, which is equipped with ping-pong tables.

  • The MCR is located at the start of Long Court, and accessible via either of the two sets of stairs that run parallel to the Linnett Room and Chapel. Your CamCard will let you in (and if it doesn’t, ask the Porters!).

    In the MCR there is a telly with a playstation, some board games, a foosball table and some sofas to allow you to relax. If you feel there's anything missing do let anyone on the committee know and we’ll see what we can do for you.

    If you are using the MCR, please treat it with respect, and ensure you tidy and clean the room before leaving, ready for the next people to use it (there is spray and a cloth in the kitchen cupboards). Any mess will not be tolerated - either by the MCR Committee or the College Housekeeping Staff.

    NOTE: The MCR is currently undergoing refurbishment. Phase 1 is complete, with furnishings chosen by Eve Waldron Design now replacing any old stock; later in the academic year, new lighting and an entirely new kitchen will be fitted, bringing the room fully up-to-date.

  • This is mainly used by undergraduates, but can be accessed via the Umney Foyer.

  • The party room, sometimes called the BOP room – or, in some circles, the Binson Berghain – is located at the end of Long Court, through the double doors next to the Garden Restaurant steps and then down the Umney Foyer stairs.

    Don’t worry, it won’t be hard to find due to the loud music and queues of students trying to get into our famous grad-only parties, which take place roughly once per academic term and host talented DJs from across Robinson and the wider University.

    Want to get involved? Be in touch with the MCR Committee Ents team.

    NB: it’s a cash only bar; the nearest cash machines are in town, so plan accordingly.

  • The Maria Björnson Theatre, accessible via Adams Road, is dedicated to the memory of celebrated stage designer Maria Björnson, who died tragically in 2002 at the age of 53.

    Located outdoors, in the beautiful college gardens, it usually sees action towards the Easter term (usually with a May Week production).

  • To book rooms, more information is available here. Rooms are free to book for college members.