Other Colleges
Halls and Cafés
Whether or not non-members of colleges are able to attend college dining halls usually depends on whether you’re a member’s guest. But, in the case of some colleges, this is not always the case: some open their doors to anyone, irrespective of where they’re a member.
These include:
Several colleges have cafés which students of any college are allowed to visit and, providing they buy tea, coffee and the like, use as alternative study spaces.
These include:
The Roost Café Bar (Jesus)
The Iris Café (Newnham)
Harvey’s (Gonville and Caius)
the Selwyn Café Bar
the Wolfson Coffee Bar
the Darwin Café (this occupies the same space as the universally popular ‘Darbar’).
University-wide facilities
There are a number of cafés and cafeterias that operate at a University-wide level and/or are open to the public.
These include:
West Hub (West Cambridge Site)
The Simon Sainsbury Centre (Cambridge Judge Business School)
The Courtyard (Fitzwilliam Museum)
Photography by Chris Boland